
Relawan, Rela Dianggap Kawan



Pada artikel kreatif progresif  kali ini  ini, saya ingin sedikit mengambil perspektif yang  lain daripada  yang lain diantara  teman-teman yang turut menulis pengalaman dan cerita ketika menjadi relawan Covid-19 di shelter tanggon, Kapanewon Sewon. Sekilas terlihat kurang begitu  menarik, tetapi menurut saya menarik dan sangat unik, untuk diceritakan karena bersumber pada  pengalaman-pengalaman nyata yang  apa adanya bukan ada apanya tanpa dibumbui  intrik-intrik dan rekayasa.

Disamping itu pula, agar tulisan ini tidak melulu menjadi konsumsi mereka yang sudah berumur, tetapi juga dapat menarik minat kaum milenial  untuk membacanya. Tentu saja, kisah yang tercurahkan di tulisan ini diharapkan dapat menginspirasi mereka untuk terjun dalam dunia kedaruratan, kebencanaan dan misi kemanusiaan.

Namun, jangan langsung terdistraksi dengan judul yang saya tuliskankan di atas, sebab hanya pemanis atau tricky belaka. Padahal yang paling manis adalah janji-janjinya untuk menemani di kala susah dan senang. Pada saat menulis ini pun saya sudah berjanji ke diri saya sendiri untuk tidak mengada-ada ataupun membumbui tulisan dengan cerita yang tidak benar, jadi saya menuliskan apa yang saya lihat, saya dengar, dan tentunya saya rasakan sendiri.

The Psychology Behind the Growing Interest in Pegging Dating

Have you ever wondered why more and more people are becoming interested in pegging dating? It’s a topic that has gained significant attention in recent years, sparking conversations and debates about sexuality, gender roles, and power dynamics. In this article, we will delve into the psychology behind the growing interest in pegging dating, exploring the various factors that contribute to its appeal and the impact it has on individuals and relationships.

From breaking societal norms to exploring new sexual experiences, pegging dating offers a unique perspective on intimacy and pleasure. We will examine the psychological aspects that drive individuals to engage in this practice, including the desire for power play, the challenge to traditional gender roles, and the pursuit of sexual exploration. Join us as we unravel the complexities of pegging dating and shed light on why it has become a fascinating and increasingly popular phenomenon in today’s society.

The Cultural Shift: Understanding the Changing Dynamics of Modern Relationships

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in interest in pegging dating, which refers to a sexual practice where a woman uses a strap-on dildo to penetrate a man anally. This growing interest can be attributed to various psychological factors. Firstly, the shift towards a more open and accepting society has allowed individuals to explore their sexual desires without fear of judgment. As conversations around sexual preferences become more normalized, people are feeling more comfortable expressing their curiosity and interest in trying new experiences.

Secondly, the rise of feminism and the push for gender equality have played a significant role in the growing interest in pegging dating. As traditional gender roles continue to be challenged, both men and women are breaking free from societal expectations and exploring their sexuality in new and unconventional ways. Pegging dating allows couples to explore power dynamics and challenge traditional notions of masculinity and femininity, creating a space for more open and egalitarian relationships.

Lastly, the increasing popularity of pegging dating can be attributed to the desire for novelty and excitement in relationships. As individuals seek to break free from routine and monotonous sexual experiences, pegging offers a unique and adventurous option. The taboo nature of this practice adds an element of thrill and anticipation, making it an appealing choice for those looking to spice up their sex lives and explore new fantasies.

Breaking Stereotypes: Challenging Gender Norms and Embracing Sexual Fluidity

The growing interest in pegging dating sites can be attributed to various psychological factors. One such factor is the increasing acceptance and exploration of diverse sexual preferences and practices. As societal norms continue to evolve, individuals are becoming more open-minded and curious about alternative forms of sexual expression, including pegging. This curiosity drives people to seek out pegging dating sites as a means to connect with like-minded individuals who share their interests and desires.

Another psychological aspect behind the growing interest in pegging dating sites is the desire for power dynamics and role reversal in relationships. Pegging, which involves a woman penetrating a man anally with a strap-on dildo, allows for a reversal of traditional gender roles and power dynamics in the bedroom. This can be appealing to individuals who are looking to explore new experiences, challenge societal norms, and experiment with power dynamics in a consensual and safe manner.

Furthermore, the anonymity and convenience offered by online dating platforms contribute to the rise in interest in pegging dating sites. Online platforms provide a safe space for individuals to explore their desires without fear of judgment or stigma. These sites allow users to connect with potential partners who are specifically interested in pegging, eliminating the need for awkward conversations or potential misunderstandings that may arise in traditional dating scenarios. The ease of finding like-minded individuals through pegging dating sites encourages more people to explore this aspect of their sexuality.

Psychological Motivations: Exploring the Appeal of Power Play and Role Reversal

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable increase in interest and curiosity surrounding pegging dating. Pegging, which refers to a sexual practice where a woman penetrates a man anally with a strap-on dildo, has gained attention due to its exploration of power dynamics, gender roles, and breaking societal taboos. This growing interest can be attributed to several psychological factors.

Firstly, pegging provides a unique opportunity for individuals to challenge traditional gender norms and roles in the bedroom. It allows men to experience vulnerability and surrender control, while women can embrace their dominant side. This reversal of roles can be liberating and empowering for both parties involved, fostering a sense of excitement and adventure.

Communication and Consent: Navigating Open Discussions about Sexual Preferences

Over the past few years, there has been a noticeable rise in the interest and acceptance of pegging dating. Pegging, which refers to a sexual practice in which a woman uses a strap-on dildo to penetrate a man anally, has gained traction in the mainstream media and popular culture. One of the key psychological factors behind this growing interest can be attributed to the changing attitudes towards gender roles and the breaking down of traditional stereotypes. As society becomes more open-minded and inclusive, individuals are exploring new ways to express their sexuality and challenge societal norms.

Another psychological aspect that contributes to the increasing popularity of pegging dating is the concept of power dynamics and role reversal. Pegging allows for a reversal of traditional gender roles, with the woman taking on a dominant role and the man embracing vulnerability and submission. This power play can be highly arousing for both partners, as it provides an opportunity to explore new levels of intimacy and trust. Additionally, pegging allows men to experience pleasure in a way that may be different from their usual experiences, adding an element of novelty and excitement to their sexual encounters.

Emotional Intimacy and Empowerment: Unveiling the Psychological Benefits of Pegging Dating

The growing interest in pegging dating can be attributed to a variety of psychological factors. One of the main reasons is the increasing acceptance and exploration of alternative sexual practices. As societal norms around sexuality continue to evolve, people are feeling more comfortable expressing their desires and experimenting with new experiences. Pegging, which involves a woman wearing a strap-on dildo to penetrate a man anally, challenges traditional gender roles and provides a unique opportunity for power exchange and role reversal.

Furthermore, the appeal of pegging dating lies in the psychological aspects of dominance and submission. Many individuals find pleasure in exploring power dynamics and pushing the boundaries of traditional sexual roles. For some, the act of pegging can be a form of erotic humiliation or submission, allowing them to experience pleasure through vulnerability and surrender. Additionally, pegging allows couples to engage in new forms of intimacy and trust-building, as it requires open communication, consent, and a strong level of emotional connection.

In conclusion, the increasing interest in pegging dating can be attributed to various psychological factors that have shaped our evolving understanding of relationships and sexuality. The breaking down of traditional gender roles and the rise of gender equality have paved the way for individuals to explore and express their desires more openly. Pegging, once considered taboo, has become a symbol of sexual liberation and empowerment for both men and women. Additionally, the internet and social media have played a significant role in creating communities and platforms for people to connect and discuss their interests, further fueling the curiosity and acceptance of pegging dating. As society continues to evolve, it is crucial to approach these conversations with openness, empathy, and respect, ensuring that individuals feel safe and supported in their exploration of their own desires and preferences.

Ya, seperti biasanya anak muda, nggak jauh-jauh dari percintaan, kan? Seperti kisah yang saya rasakan dan beberapa oknum relawan yang lain. Nggak afdol jika di awal cerita ini, bukan cerita saya sendiri yang dibagikan.

Sepertinya hampir semua relawan di shelter tanggon  tahu soal ini. Sudah menjadi rahasia umum. Jadi begini, saya pernah menjalin kisahasmara-beberapa bulan ke belakang kami berdua sempat tidak menjalin komunikasi yang baik -karena adanya masalah yang cukup pelik.

Akan tetapi, di shelter tanggon  inilah kami dibenturkan dengan keadaan yang mengharuskan untuk bercakap-cakap lagi dan menjalankan tugas layaknya tidak pernah terjadi apa-apa. Abot, Lur. Ditambah kami berdua—saya dengan orang yang pernah saling mengisi hari-hari bersama, dipertemukan di satu divisi. Makin berat kan, belum lagi ketika kami memiliki jadwal yang sama. Begitu pula, ketika ada pasien yang harus dikunjungi sehingga mengharuskan kami benar-benar berdua di satu tempat, yakni ambulance.

Dan juga, tidak jarang melihatnya asyik sedang menghubungi kekasih barunya. Seakan hati saya teriris-iris. Namun, titik baliknya adalah yang semula sempat gengsi untuk saling menyapa dan saling berdiam diri dengan ego masing-masing, dalam keadaan ini kami akhirnya akur kembali, menjalin komunikasi yang baik kembali, bahkan mungkin kadarnya masih sama seperti dulu, walau kenyataannya dia sudah mejadi milik orang lain.

Ini baru cerita pertama. Cerita keduanya adalah ketika hampir semua relawan milenial dibuat mabuk  asmara di shelter tanggon, ternyata memiliki satu wanita idaman yang sama. Bisa teman-teman  dibayangkan sendiri, bagaimana saling bersaing di belakang dan di depan harus bersikap profesional?

Tunggu dulu, itu bukan poinnya. Poin paling penting adalah ternyata tidak ada satu pun yang berhasil mendapatkan ‘si dia’. Akan menjadi cerita lucu nantinya jika keadaan ini selesai, dan pastinya menjadi berita viral atau trending topic di antero bumi Panggungharjo,  yang justru mengeratkan keakraban relawan shelter tanggon.

Nah, agar tulisan ini dan judul yang dituliskan di atas ada relevansinya , di akhir tulisan ini, saya sebagai salah satu relawan yang bertugas, mungkin akan sangat berterima kasih dengan adanya shelter tanggon, Kapanewon Sewon. Ya, saya bisa akur kembali dengan mantan—yang nggak bersemi kembali. Ya, sudah ikhlaskan saja kalau cuma diangggap kawan. Kan relawan itu rela dianggap kawan. Nyekrup kan sama judulnya.

Pelajaran yang bisa diambil dari semua hal-hal baik ketika menjadi relawan di sini adalah ketika semua orang yang terlibat tidak lagi peduli dengan dendam di masa lalu, menyingkirkan ego masing-masing yang tentu sangat berat dilakukan, bisa berdamai dengan keadaan yang mengurung selama ini, dan tentunya kerelaan, keikhlasan, serta rendah hati harus benar-benar dipupuk di shelter tanggon, Kapanewon Sewon ini.

Hal itu karena tujuan kami di sini semua sama, berharap keadaan segera pulih, segera membaik seperti sedia kala, menjaga raga yang lain, dan segala cobaan yang sedang dihadapi bersama segera usai.

Tidak ada yang saling menjatuhkan, hanya ada keras kepala yang harus dilunakkan selunak-lunaknya, dan mengutamakan kepentingan bersama di atas kepentingan pribadi yang susah sekali dijalankan.

Pada akhirnya, menjadi bagian dari perjuangan yang sangat berharga, terutama untuk saya pribadi, tidak melulu soal capek, lelah, kurang tidur, dan lupa makan, tetapi lebih dari itu. Banyak hal-hal baik yang didapat lebih dari sekedar materi, misalnya pelajaran tentang pengalaman hidup yang belum tentu bisa didapat di luar sana. Terima kasih banyak, shelter tanggon tersayang. Panjang umur hal-hal baik, jangan menyerah. Kalau kata Ndarboy Genk, “Semoga kau, kita, baik-baik saja” (JNT).

Tulisan milik Kevinda Bramantya Viastra (salah satu relawan shelter tanggon dari KTCA Kalurahan Panggungharjo)

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